Sunday, October 27, 2013

Marc Gabbana Master Class!

Yes, I know it's been awhile.  I had warned that I would not been posting as much and it has been over a year.  However, so many great things, have happened since the last time I posted I cannot begin to express my gratitude!

At the moment, I'm in the middle of moving so I am currently keeping busy with that.  I did, however, wanted to drop a line about my friend's Marc Gabbana's master class he is holding.

This will be a wonderful opportunity for young art students and professionals. I've known Marc since 2008 and as a concept artist and illustrator he not only "walks the walk" and "talks the talk" but is enormously generous and caring in sharing information and giving to others.

For people looking for feedback on their portfolio for a working industry professional this should be a worthy investment.

For more information you can click here.